I really enjoyed the feedback I recieved from an earlier post I made.
I was asking about how anyone could actually know the meanings of simple words like "fire" "sea" etc and what they meant to the Author of the Bible.
All we have to go on is our own understanding of what we were taught by others who didn't write the book as to what "fire" was to them. If they are wrong...we could be all screwed up trying to translate a book without any knowledge of the basic meaning of the words to the one who wrote it.
I like the example someone said about the word "record". A Dj it is an album, a cop it is a perps history, a producer is a session, etc.
What do these simple words mean to God? How can we find out the truth from any man who didn't write the words? Is it nessesary for God to cater to us for understanding His words...or should we be seeking understanding of His language?
Although...I realize if those words were not left open to individual interpetation...His enemies would not be claiming to be following Him and would probably disown Him. I think They may have been tricked by their own greed, and lust for power.
Any thoughts?